If you have no idea about "The Big Fight", then see the below post.

If you have already read about "The Big Fight", keep reading.

So, my sisters won't talk to each other. They won't even look at each other. If one talks, the other pretends not to hear it.

I feel terrible. If only we had still pretended to remember Felicity's Birthday.

The surprise party was supposed to be today from 5:30-7:00 in our dorm. But, when I was going to our dorm to drop off my stuff before I went to Free Time, there was a note on our door. I would have gotten a picture, but I was too unhappy.

The note said: "Felicty's party has been canceled. It will not be another day, so if you bought her a present, you had better give it to her personally. Don't expect a Thank-You."

Obviously written by Lizzy.

The note only made me feel more depressed. I don't know what to do.

Well, I've got an idea. I'm going to let them give you each their side of the story.And I'm going to call Mama while they write because she knows everything.

Here's Felicity's side of the story:

Hey there. Felicity here.

So, you want to know my side of the story of Lizzy and my fight.

Okay. So, when someone's holding a surprise party, they usually don't act like they actually forgot your birthday, do they? And Lizzy never forgot my birthday. I couldn't believe it.

I feel a little bad, but I'm not going to tell Lizzy that. It's her fault. Maybe the party should have been yesterday, the ACTUAL day of my birthday.

And I think the dumb note Lizzy put on the door made people return their presents. I mean, come on! "Don't expect a Thank-You"? She's got to be kidding me.

That's all I have to say.  -Felicity

Lizzy's side:

It's Felicity's fault! I never have forgotten her birthday, so of course there was something going on if it seemed like I had, right?

Maybe we shouldn't have gone about it the way we did, and maybe I shouldn't have yelled, but she still overreacted.

I worked really hard on making the surprise party, and I used my own money to buy the cake. But, knowing Felicity, of course she wouldn't want a party thrown by me. *sigh*

I've got nothing else to say.   ~Lizzy, the one who's right

So...what do you think? Mama gave me an idea, and I think it JUST MIGHT work...

See back tomorrow!
